...a little ditty about Rachel and Adam...

Congratulations Rachel and Adam!!!

Rachel and I grew up together. We shared clothes, boys, and passed notes as we bloomed into women. We drove her mother crazy with her Elton John record that we would boogie about her attic bedroom; and roar in fits of laughter at one another. We drove my mother crazy simply because we never ate enough  ; ) 
Rachel came down to Long Beach a few years ago with her new beau, Adam. I was in heaven visiting with this long lost friend and seeing her with someone that made her so obviously happy! I liked him right away, he is easy going, charming, and every other word out of his mouth is a laugh.
Perfect for Rachel.

I was so pleased to be able to spend a dreary NW afternoon with the two of you love birds. You are an incredible couple...and Bailey is soooo adorable! Consider yourselves lucky that I didn't nab that little puff ball of yours ; ) 

Cheers to all the joy that love will bring you; and may you continue to grow and be happy in love.


To people we meet along the way...

I have to be honest with you. Being an artist ( even saying that is strange!) is a tough gig. My confidence is liken to that of my former 13 year old self; full of loathing and doubt one minute, and gun-blazing pride the next. One of the rare things I have found to even out these maniac moods, is an incredible colleague...

...enter Charla.

 She found my blog ( we don't know how or when) and made some very kind posts about my work. Intrigued by attention from someone other than my mother or my best friend ( LOVE YOU GUYS!), I looked her up:

Charla was a) a photographer, b) from Washington and c) lived in Long Beach...um, hello!?  Staying true to the Lyndsey way, I wrote her a long winded and overly metaphorical email expressing my desire to meet her, get to know her, be her new photog buddy, and live happily ever after.

We had lunch one day and the rest is making history. I adore her, her 2 year old, Brooklyn, and her hubby, Dan. Long Beach and photography have never felt so welcoming ; ) 

My point here is this: tonight Charla sat down with me and basically gave this web space a total face lift.  She did it beautifully and selflessly; and as I rolled about with little Brookie while she worked and shared her mastery of the web, I found myself feeling terribly blessed. Here is a girl that also appears to understand this phantom baby that occupies half of the brain,  keeps us up late into the night and whose room is a perpetual sty... she too is rearing this phantom photo baby!

This pre-teen, wanna-be artist has found someone to sit with at the lunch table. ( Mixing my metaphors,it's kinda my thing).

Thank you Charla. You are such a treasure and I just love the heck out of you! Here is to many years of shared growth and joy in this art we both love so dearly! 

Your fan,